Planned travels for 2016

Hi guys,

Sorry for the long absence! Work kicked up for me a bit, so much of my “free time” has been working away, with a few breaks of Netflix on the couch.

Last time I blogged, I mentioned that I’m currently starting to think about my upcoming travels. So far I have booked a couple of trips, but I’m still finalising others. However, this is what I’m currently thinking (please note, none of the below photos are mine and are all sourced from Google images):

First weekend of May- this one has been booked for awhile and I’m super excited! I’m heading to Amalfi Coast in Italy. Assen and I are flying into Naples, stopping for some pizza (Naples is where pizza comes from), heading to Pompeii for the day, and then heading to our hotel on the Amalfi Coast for the weekend. It’s the weekend before my birthday so it is the official way I am entering my 30’s!


Last week of May/first week of June- heading home for a trip to Canada! My friend and I are spending a week in Montreal and Quebec City- which will be the farthest East I’ve ever been in Canada. It’s supposed to be beautiful, so I’m really excited to see it. Seems like you never explore your own backyard, so this is a trip I’ve been putting off for years. The second week I’m visiting family, with 4 days with my dad in Central Canada, and 4 days with my mom in Western Canada.


July- heading for a week in Bulgaria, which will hopefully also include 1/2 a week in Turkey. Some may remember that last year I was supposed to go to Turkey, but ended up with visa issues since my passport was about to expire. This time I’m hoping for a few days at the sea side in Bulgaria, and a few days exploring Istanbul.


August- I currently don’t have anything planned for this month, but there is a long weekend so I’m thinking of heading on a solo trip. I’m debating between Ireland and Sweden- two very different locations, I know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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September- my mom and I are trying to plan a trip for a week or two in September. We’re currently talking going to Paris, and then exploring the countryside of France- either Bordeaux region, or Normandy. Again, any advice would be amazing, as we’re still debating where best to go.


October- Assen and I have booked the first week of October off. I’m currently trying to convince him for a week long trip to Dubai. I’ve recently known a few people who have gone, and it just seems so different, and such an experience. He’s not convinced yet, so we’ll see if we end up on a beach somewhere for this trip (our alternative plan for this week is heading to Canary Islands and spending a week sitting on the beach with a cocktail).


If anyone has been to any of the areas, and has suggestions for what I should see, or where best to go- I would love the tips and advice!

How about everyone else? What are your upcoming travel plans?

8 thoughts on “Planned travels for 2016

    • Yogi Sarah says:

      That’s lovely to hear! Everyone told me to expect rain, rain and more rain if going to Ireland- so to get some nice weather and enjoy all that green would be amazing!

    • Yogi Sarah says:

      Thanks for the recommendations! I’ve been to Nesebyr, Sozopol and Plovdiv and loved them all! Will definitely add Veliko Tarnovo to the list πŸ™‚

  1. Suvi says:

    Great plans and so many of them! I am going to London and Cambridge next week. Other than that we just have sailing planned here at home (Finland) for the summer. I just love Istanbul. The food is divine and there is so much to see there – a week would be enough to cover it all. πŸ™‚

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